Covid-19 and Real Estate in the Okanagan

Homes are still being listed and selling throughout the first bit of this virus. We expect inventory to be tight creating a competitive environment for buyers that have to move. Recently in Ontario Real Estate services were listed as an essential business. For Real Estate in BC we have been changing up our procedures to help ensure the safety of everyone involved. Please see risk mitigation we have done.
We are setup to do just everything from showing the home to completing necessary documents digitally. Utilizing technology helps limit a great deal of risk during this time of Social Distancing from Face Timing for the showing or doing a Zoom conference with a home inspector.
Wearing gloves during showings, and limiting touching.
We have implemented a health questionnaire for buyers to protect everyone and limit the risk.
Providing gloves and hand sanitizer for buyers.
We are asking sellers to leave all the lights on and interior doors open to limit physical touching.
Travelling in separate cars.
Maintaining physical distancing of 6-feet.
Virtual Showings through Face Time or Faceb
360 Virtual Tours for listings.
Working from home.
Here are some additional Virtual Meeting and Showing platforms we have at our disposal.